6 Tips for Better Scalp Health

6 Tips for Better Scalp Health

We don’t tend to give much thought to the skin on our scalp – that is until problems appear! An itchy, flaky scalp is not just uncomfortable – it can cause excessive shedding and a decrease in hair growth.

We all want luscious healthy hair, and the scalp is the foundation that our hair follicles grow out of – so how do you improve your scalp health? In this article, we list our six top tips for improving the condition of your scalp to get strong, shiny hair!



Why is scalp health important?

Dandruff flakes on your shoulders or constantly needing to scratch your hair is not just awkward – poor scalp health can also lead to increased hair loss. Long story short, scalp health will ultimately define the health of your hair!

Luckily, some simple lifestyle and hair care regimen changes can improve scalp health drastically. Below, we have listed our 6 top tips for better scalp health. However, if these don’t work for you or you suspect you might suffer from an underlying condition, it’s best to speak with a doctor.


How to have good scalp health – 6 tips

1. Massage

Giving your scalp a good massage can help improve circulation in the scalp – a great time to do this is while you wash your hair! Massaging the shampoo in to improve circulation can in turn help your hair follicles function better.


2. Exfoliate

In most cases, a gentle massage with shampoo will do enough to exfoliate the scalp. However, if you use a lot of hair products, sweat a lot or work in a polluted environment, you might also want to specifically exfoliate the scalp with a product. There are specific scalp scrubs that can be used to exfoliate the dead skin cells, dandruff and oil off the scalp, but you could also make one yourself.


3. Preserve moisture

A dry scalp gets itchy and flaky – which is why it’s important to keep your scalp moisturised. However, we don’t mean you should moisturise it with products, but rather that you should aim to keep it naturally moisturised. The scalp produces a natural oil called sebum, which helps keep the skin of the scalp healthy. Washing your hair too often or with water that is too hot can strip the scalp of the natural oils it needs.


4. Get the wash right

Establishing a wash routine that suits your scalp is key – and usually, less is more. Washing your hair too frequently could make your scalp dry, as it strips your scalp of all its natural oils. On the other hand, it’s important to wash your hair often enough to avoid scalp build-up!

When washing your hair, don’t scorch it with piping hot water. Use lukewarm water and gently massage the shampoo in.


5. Use gentle hair products

When choosing hair products, we often focus on what they do to our hair – but have you ever stopped to think about what your products do to your scalp? Gentle hair products with quality ingredients help keep your scalp happy.

When it comes to hair products, you often get what you pay for. Unfortunately, poor quality products can dry out your scalp and leave it feeling irritated. If you care about your hair, it’s worth it to invest in quality hair products that nourish and cleanse your hair gently. Avoid products with sulphates, dye, bleach, alcohol, heavy fragrances and other harmful ingredients.


6. Eat well

Our bodies need to be nourished to be able to form new, healthy cells. Eating a varied and balanced diet is crucial to ensure that the skin of the scalp gets all the proteins, vitamins and nutrients it needs. While a healthy diet is key, a daily supplement tablet is also a cheap insurance policy to make sure your scalp isn’t lacking any key nutrients.


Looking for more hair advice?

If you’d like to speak to someone about getting a hair transplant, book a obligation-free consultation with one of our Hair Growth Specialists. Alternatively, call our friendly team on 1300 787 563.

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