Hair Transplant Investigation: Focusing on How and Why

Hair Transplant Investigation: Focusing on How and Why

It’s pretty hard to get a clinic or doctor to guarantee anything, results in a medical or clinical sense vary from person to person. So why is it that Gro Australia can guarantee natural results from their hair transplant micro-transplant technique? 

First, let’s look at what “natural results” mean for a hair transplant. We all know which way our hair lies when we brush, comb or just run our fingers through our hair before we walk out the door. To get results that are natural requires your new implanted hair to look and feel just like your current hair. This may seem obvious, but there is only one technique that makes this possible, read on to find out.

hair loss

Why Do Natural Results Matter?

When we ask any one of the thousands of people our team consult, we always ask them why they are considering a hair transplant. Not one of these people answer, “to get more hair on my head”. Pretty much every person’s answer is to do with how hair loss makes them feel. This sums up the “why” part of a the Direct Hair Implantation technique. Improving the way people feel about themselves, increasing confidence and self-esteem is at the core. Addressing baldness and hair loss through Hair Implantation is the avenue for achieving it.

The majority of men considering hair restoration are looking to improve themselves. When we talk in depth with our patients, it is not so much about having more hair, it is about the feelings you get when you don’t have hair. For every individual hair loss effects them differently. If we asked you how your hair loss makes you feel, you could say “I feel self-conscious”, or “I lack confidence” or “I feel incomplete” or “I have trouble meeting someone because of my hair loss”. For everyone that feeling is different, but for everyone it is the same reason, their hair loss effects them in a certain way. 

So why does it matter that your new hair looks natural? The images below are from one of our patients who had a hair transplant done in Turkey. Sean has just received corrective treatment by Gro in Sydney. During his procedure in Turkey, the hairs that were implanted at the front of his scalp were inserted at a different direction to the rest of his hair. The technique they used in Turkey (and the one that is most common in Australia), does not allow the clinic to control the depth and direction of the newly implanted hair. One of our clients put it best when he said, “What is the point in investing in a hair transplant if it is not going to look natural”. This comment lead to Gro Australia launching the first written natural results guarantee. Because if a friend or work colleague or client can tell that you have had a hair restoration procedure done this is not acceptable, results must be undetectable and natural or those feelings will never go away.



The “What” of Hair Transplants

Most clinics in Australia and the cheap ones in Thailand or Turkey will focus on the “what”. That is, they can do 3,000 follicles for a certain price. You get a “hair transplant” for a certain price. But thinking about this, this is not the way that we buy anything that effects our health or well being (including our mental well being like our self confidence or self worth). So, focusing on the “What” would be to buy on price and does not take into consideration what goes into making a hair transplant successful.

The “How” of Hair Transplants

Taking hair from the back of your scalp to use on the top or front of your head is basically how it works. But there are in fact many different types of hair transplants. There are methods like FUT (commonly referred to as Strip Surgery) which has been designed to be cheap and fast and often performed by either a doctor, nurse, clinician or a technician. You will notice these titles refer to an increasing lower skill level, meaning that a technician could be anyone who is sitting in the seat behind you performing a “hair transplant”.

Then there is the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) method which is more advanced and requires each individual hair to be removed from the donor area, meaning more time to remove each hair and therefore a longer procedure. Each individual hair is then implanted into the right place, however direction and depth are hard to control in this technique, meaning results can often be un-natural.

The Most Advanced Technique

There are 5 key differences that make the technique unique; 1) all procedures are done by a Gro Doctor, 2) minimum handing of follicles results in high survival rate, 3) they use a most delicate technique, 4) HypothermosolTM is used to optimise follicle survival rate, and 5) they guarantee natural results.

The key drivers behind Gro Australia’s “Natural Results Guarantee” are the specialised tools and how each follicle is implanted into its new location. The specialised tools along with the skill of the Doctor allows for the perfect depth and angle for each implantation. The way in which each individual hair is implanted is how Gro get the natural results they do and why they have taken it a step further to guarantee these natural results.

natural results guarantee


Quite often someone seeking a hair transplant will look at the “What”, how many hairs will be transplanted, the cost per follicle or the success or survival. Make sure you look at the “How” when you are comparing one clinic to another, because the results will not depend on the price you pay, they will depend on the technique used and the skill of the person undertaking the procedure. One thing that can be guaranteed when you deal with Gro Australia is that you will only have a doctor do your hair transplant.

Next Steps

If you are considering Gro micro-transplant, come in and speak with the experts. Simply click on one of the buttons below to book a consultation or ask a question. Alternatively, you can give Gro a call on 1300 787 563.


hair transplant patient



Also see hairline treatmentpricing and before and after photos

Related Article: 6 Reasons Why People Go Bald

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