How to Keep Hair Loss at Bay – 12 Must-Do Tips

How to Keep Hair Loss at Bay – 12 Must-Do Tips

Many of us take our luscious locks for granted until we start losing them. There are several reasons for hair loss, some reversible and others inevitable. The good news is that many hair loss triggers are controllable through lifestyle.

If you want to keep your hair growing as thick as possible, read on for tips on how to prevent premature hair loss.


1. Avoid tight hairstyles

Hair is pretty flexible, but continuously wearing styles that pull hair back and away from the scalp can lead to increased hair loss. This is known as traction alopecia – a type of hair loss that can be treated, but if it isn’t addressed it can cause permanent hair loss


2. Avoid heat styling tools

Hair straighteners, dryers and curlers are tools many people use daily. However, heat styling tools leave hair dehydrated and brittle, making it more prone to breakage. While it’s ok to use these tools now and then, using them too much can damage your hair significantly over time, leading to increased shedding.


3. Choose a soft-fibre hairbrush

A soft hairbrush with natural fibres decreases unnecessary breakage. What’s more, it keeps your hair moisturised by spreading natural oils from the scalp to the lengths of the hair.


4. Avoid chemical treatments

Chemical hair treatments such as perms, hair dye and bleach can cause irrevocable damage to the hair and scalp. If hair loss is something you’re concerned about, it’s best to avoid chemical treatments altogether.


5. Change your hair products

Some hair products may do your hair more harm than good! Invest in gentle and mild, high-quality hair products to make sure you’re not setting yourself back. It’s all about finding the right fit for your hair and scalp!


6. Get a scalp massage

There’s some evidence that scalp massage may help increase hair density by improving blood circulation to the scalp and hair follicles. Treat yourself to a regular scalp massage or try to give yourself a massage while washing your hair in the shower.


7. Wash regularly 

Shampooing serves an important purpose in removing excess oil, dirt and build-up off the scalp. Both over- and under-washing can damage scalp health, and the scalp is the foundation of healthy hair growth. That’s why it’s so important to establish a wash routine that suits your scalp.


8. Minimise stress

Leading a stressful lifestyle can also contribute to hair loss. To reduce stress, make sure you establish healthy habits, such as getting enough sleep, eating well and exercising regularly. You can also try additional strategies, such as yoga and meditation, but the best way to minimise stress is to cut the causes of the stress out of your life, if possible.


9. Stop smoking

We all know it’s bad for us, but not everyone knows smoking can cause early onset balding. It can age your cells prematurely, including hair cells! To protect your precious hair follicles from unnecessary damage, speak with your GP to get support in stopping smoking.


10. Eat a balanced diet

A poor diet can also contribute to hair loss. Several vitamins have been linked to increased hair growth, but in reality, there’s no one vitamin to fix all your problems. A nutrient-rich and balanced diet with enough protein, oils and vitamins is likely to cover most bases. However, a daily supplement is a cheap insurance policy to make sure your hair gets what it needs to grow – on top of a balanced diet.


11. Try hair loss medication

There are a couple of hair loss medications on the market that can stop hair loss and in some cases, even reverse it. Due to Australian law, we can’t mention their names here, but the Gro Online Clinic offers video appointments with Australian doctors who can tell you more about your options.


12. Have a hair transplant

Sometimes hair loss can be genetic and there’s not much that can be done about it. However, modern technology has brought us new options that didn’t exist before – such as a microsurgery FUE hair transplant. FUE (follicular unit extraction) is a technique where individual hair follicles are extracted from parts of the scalp that are resistant to balding and transplanted to areas where hair has been lost. It’s the only way to grow back hair that has been lost to balding, but luckily it means you can have your own, natural hair back for a lifetime.


Want to find out more about your options?

Treating hair loss can feel overwhelming, but that’s why the professionals are here to help. The best thing to do is act as soon as you notice it’s happening – and getting informed on your options is important for choosing the right solution for you. Book a consultation with one of our hair growth specialists today to find out more.

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