Male Pattern Baldness Frequently Asked Questions

Male Pattern Baldness Frequently Asked Questions

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Male pattern baldness, also referred to as androgenetic alopecia, is a hair loss condition linked to changing hormone levels where the loss of hair happens in a distinctive pattern, starting with a thinning crown and receding hairline. For a man who’s father or grandfather suffered from male pattern baldness, chances are that the trait will be inherited. 55% of men have noticeable hair loss by the age of 40, however despite its prevalence, many people still have questions about male pattern baldness.

Gathered from many years of of hair restoration experience, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions relating to hair loss and male pattern baldness.

If you suffer from hair loss, answer these 3 questions to discover the best treatment option for you.


Frequently Asked Questions

I’m losing hair, is it normal?

Everyone sheds 50-100 hairs a day as part of the normal growth cycle. If you are experiencing more than this, a correct diagnosis from a hair loss professional should be sought. Genetics, stress, diet and other factors need to be analysed.

What causes hair loss and baldness? 


Genetics is by far the most common cause for hair loss and baldness in men. Male pattern baldness happens when the follicles slowly become miniaturised, a process triggered by hormones. The anagen (growth) phase is reduced, and the telogen (resting) phase becomes longer, not leaving the hair follicle enough time to make good quality keratin (what hair is made of). The cycles become shorter and shorter, the hair of lesser and lesser quality. In the long run, the cycles are exhausted… and the hair does not grow again.

A correct diagnosis for hair loss must be made to rule out any temporary triggers such as stress, poor diet, emotional shock, illness or disease.


Events such as pregnancy or illness are associated with hair thinning in women. Stress-related hair loss is also becoming increasingly common. The most likely cause of scalp hair loss in women, just as in men, is androgenetic alopecia. However, patterns of female androgenetic alopecia can vary considerably in appearance and do not usually develop into true baldness in the same pattern as in men.

Can I prevent hair loss or baldness?

Preventing hair loss due to temporary triggers and looking after the hair that you have left comes down to looking after yourself. Ensuring a diet with adequate protein and essential nutrients, exercising, not smoking, managing stress are all steps in the right direction. Loss of hair due to genetics cannot be prevented, however there are various solutions that can be considered in consultation with a hair restoration professional.

What are the treatment options?

Treatment options can include hair loss drugs, PRP treatment and hair transplant. Gro Hair Implantation offers a permanent solution to a receding hairline and male pattern baldness, with 100% natural results guaranteed. Referred to as micro-transplant, it is the most delicate and comfortable procedure with minimal recovery time. To see what solution best suits your hair condition, speak to the experts at Gro Australia.


Book Your Hair Loss Consultation

For personalised information about male pattern baldness, book a consultation with a Gro hair growth specialist in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney, Perth or Melbourne. During your private consultation, you will receive a correct diagnosis for your hair loss and the opportunity to discuss the various treatment options, customised to your particular condition. 

Simply click on one of the buttons below to book a consultation or ask a question. Alternatively, you can call us on 1300 787 563.

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