How To Know When Hair Loss Is Causing Emotional Strain

How To Know When Hair Loss Is Causing Emotional Strain

In today’s high-pressure, fast-paced society where stimulus-overload is the norm, it can be hard to put a finger on what is causing emotional strain. Hair loss is known to have an impact on the mental health of the people who experience it. The impact can include but isn’t limited to; lower self-esteem, reduced self-confidence and strained relationships.


Hair loss affects most men and women at some point in their lives. There are a number of causes and contributing factors, so consulting a hair loss expert will be the best place to start exploring treatment options.


Are you wondering whether hair loss is causing emotional strain for you? Ask yourself the questions below to help find out, or answer these 3 questions to discover the best treatment option for you.


Is my hair loss permanent?


You can find out if you have temporary or permanent hair loss by having a consultation with a hair loss expert. Patients suffering from permanent hair loss, such as male pattern baldness, can find the process quite emotional, leading to them feeling self-conscious. Typically, the younger the patient, the greater the emotional strain.


Can I style my hair the way that I want to?


Not being able to style your hair the way you want to due to receding or thinning hair can have a huge impact on confidence. Just as clothes communicate our style to the world, we tend to feel that our hair also communicates who we are.


Do I feel frustrated by my hair loss?


Many people feel frustrated by their hair loss, especially if they have tried various unsuccessful treatments and their hair continues to fall.


Does my hair loss make me feel older than I am?


If you find yourself feeling older than you are due to hair loss, you’re not alone. Many people are shocked when they look back at photos and see now how much their loss has aged them.


Is my hair loss impacting my relationships?


Research shows that people tend to find hair loss distressing, which in turn can lead them to feel depressed. Losing hair can take its toll on various social and romantic relationships.


The important thing to remember is that most people will experience hair loss at some time in their life and there are hair restoration treatments that can help.


Hair loss solutions


If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you may be suffering from emotional strain and you may want to explore treatments. Depending on the cause of your hair loss, there are treatments that can help to stop or slow down the hair loss, as well as procedures that can restore lost hair.


Here at Gro, we offer the most innovative and sophisticated hair transplant procedure in Australia. Our reGro® hair transplants use 100% your own hair, extracted gently and implanted carefully to create a natural-looking hairline suited to you. The results are permanent, meaning you get to enjoy your new look for the rest of your life.


One of the main comments we hear from our patients at their follow-up appointments is “I wish I'd done this sooner.”


Book your consultation


If hair loss is having a negative impact on your life, book a consultation with one of our Hair Growth Specialists and find out if hair restoration treatment could help you. Book below or call us on 1300 787 563 if you have any questions!

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