It’s OK to Go Bald.

It’s OK to Go Bald.

There’s no denying it: physical appearance holds weight in the society we live in. People tend to make wide-ranging judgements based on first impressions and many studies have shown the effect of ‘pretty privilege’, where attractive people are perceived to be more talented, successful, honest and sociable.


No wonder body image issues are rife. While women and girls tend to discuss negative body image more openly, it’s an issue that affects men too.


One of the most common body image issues for men is hair loss. Here at Gro, we know it first hand – enough men who come to us have told us just how much hair loss impacts their confidence, relationships and everyday life.




“I’m worried I’ll never find a partner.”

“I can’t face seeing myself in the mirror.”

“Women won’t find me attractive anymore, my sex life is over.”

“I don’t feel like myself anymore.”

“I don’t even want to leave the house.”


Sound familiar?

If going bald is causing you stress, know that you’re not alone. It can easily create a cycle of negative thought patterns, even leading to social withdrawal, anxiety and depression.

Why is going bald such a big deal?


 Appearance is a significant part of our identity.

For men who have all their hair, it’s easy to brush off (no pun intended) the impact hair loss can have on self-confidence and mental health, but those who have suffered from it know how all-encompassing it can be. To make matters worse, your mates may be making comments that they think are just harmless banter, but are, in reality, deeply hurtful.

Don’t just take it from us – a 2009 study by the International Society of Hair Restoration Procedure found that nearly 60% of men would rather have more hair than more money or more friends.

Hair loss can represent many fears. It can feel like a reminder of your own mortality, or the loss of virility and masculinity. The dragged-out process of your hair slipping away at an unpredictable rate can be incredibly taxing mentally.


How to embrace going bald


While most men would rather retain their locks, it’s not impossible to embrace baldness.


First of all – it’s important to know that balding is extremely common. Approximately 66% of men will have experienced some degree of hair loss by their 35th birthday. Besides, if balding came with serious disadvantages, it would have likely disappeared from the gene pool by now.


In fact, the opposite may be true – studies have suggested that balding may come with several social advantages.


Bald men are perceived as more intelligent, dominant and of higher status. A study found that women rated bald men as “more intelligent, influential, knowledgeable, well-educated, high social status, honest and helpful – traits collectively known as social maturity”.


Another study had participants compare photos of men with hair to photos of the same men with their hair digitally removed. The study found that participants rated bald men as more dominant, confident, masculine and strong. The participants also estimated the bald men to be about an inch taller and about four years older.


For many men, it’s the perceived opinions of others that cause them the most worry. You may feel like everyone is judging you, but in reality, most people are too focused on their own lives to think about your receding hairline.


There are so many other aspects of our looks that we can improve, from fitness to posture to how we dress. No matter what you decide to do, don’t let one aspect (and a genetic one that isn’t your fault, at that) bring you down and ruin your life.


If you want to embrace your thinning hair, find a good barber and ask them for recommendations on how to cut and style it in the most flattering way. You’d be surprised to find out how much can be done without resorting to an awkward combover.


So, is it OK to go bald?


The short answer is – yes. There’s nothing wrong with embracing the clippers.


After all, many celebrities who rock a shiny dome are considered sex symbols and style icons. Just think of men like Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis, Michael Jordan, RuPaul, Jason Statham… the list goes on.


If you’re still doubting whether to act on your hair loss or not, consider this – research has shown that completely bald men ranked higher for many positive traits than those with thinning hair. So, whether you decide to go for the clippers or explore hair loss treatment, taking back control could help you cope with the situation. It’s better than dreading the sight of fallen hairs on your pillow every morning.


However, if you have started to lose hair and decide you want to do something about it, it’s better to act quick. Once you have lost all or most of your hair, the fight is over – but if you still have hair left, there are proven treatments to help you keep it.


What to do if you simply can’t accept going bald


All this said, if you genuinely feel that you’d be happier keeping your hair and want to do something about hair loss… you don’t have to just accept it. You can take action on hair loss through either medical treatment, a hair transplant micro-transplant or both. Thanks to advancements in medical technology, hair loss is no longer a looming fate – it’s now a choice.


Whether to embrace baldness or opt for treatment comes down to personal preference.


You may feel that a bald head simply doesn’t suit your head shape, or that having hair is an important part of your identity. Whatever the reasons may be, more and more men are choosing to unashamedly go ahead with a hair transplant.


Whichever road you choose to go down is your choice, but it’s on you to take action. If you want to consider treatment, a free in-clinic hair transplant consultation or a telehealth appointment with one of our doctors is a great place to start.


When to get a hair transplant


While 95% of male hair loss is due to androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness), which is genetic, there are also some underlying medical conditions that could be causing it. Therefore, it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis first.


Before going ahead with a hair transplant, we recommend doing some introspection on your feelings towards balding. Hair transplant procedure is a significant financial investment, so we only recommend it if hair loss is affecting your social life, well-being and mental health significantly. It’s also worth it to delve into whether any feelings of insecurity or low self-esteem could be arising from a less evident, underlying issue in your life.


Our hair transplants combine the latest technology with a delicate extraction and implantation technique performed by a doctor. To give our clients complete confidence, each procedure comes with a 100% natural results guarantee. With no stitches and no scarring, people won’t even be able to tell you’ve had a hair transplant.


And if you still choose to join the shaved head club? More power to you.

Book Your Hair Transplant Consultation


For personalised information regarding a hair transplant, book an online or in-clinic consultation with a Gro Clinic's Hair Growth Specialist. Simply click on the button below to book a consultation. Alternatively, you can call us on 1300 787 563.


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