Micro-transplant Hair Transplant Frequently Asked Questions

Micro-transplant Hair Transplant Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re suffering from hair loss or thinning hair, you’ve no doubt been researching your treatment options. Gro are leaders in the hair transplant industry, applying the safest and most advanced innovations in hair replacement techniques and technology to give you healthy, natural looking hair with virtually no pain, no stitches and no scars, just 100% natural results, meaning you can enjoy your own hair, for life. 

In this article, we answer our most popular hair loss & hair transplant frequently asked questions.


hair restoration faqs

Hair Implantation Top FAQ’s

1. Will I have to shave my head before treatment?

No. We will trim your hair short in the donor area for you. In fact, we ask that you don’t shave your head in the 10 days prior to the procedure.

2. How long will I need before going back to work?

In many cases, you will be able to return to work even the following day, provided you are able to maintain your post-operative routine. Many of our clients choose to take the following week off.

3. How long will it take to see results?

You will start noticing improvement within 3-4 months, but the complete results take up to a year.

4. Is the Gro procedure suitable for women too?


5. Can you still perform Gro if I have lost a lot of hair already?

If there is not enough hair for donor extraction, we can sometimes use facial and body hair. There may be other treatment options available. It is best to come in for a consultation to discuss your options in detail.

6. How long do I have to wait before I exercise?

You can return to cardio and swimming 2 weeks after your procedure, but wait a month before resuming intense exercise (e.g weights)

7. Will I still have to take medication?

The implanted hair will keep cycling through its normal phases of growth and regeneration, so there is no need to take long-term medication. However, we do recommend application of Minoxidil and/or Finasteride to prevent thinning or hair loss of existing hair.

8. How much does it cost?

Each patient is individual, with individual requirements, so we prefer not to provide a quote or an estimate without having performed an examination and provided an accurate diagnosis. Gro can be 20% more expensive than FUE, but has a consistent hair survival rate of 90%, no matter which of our clinics you attend. FUE has a success rate of between 50-90% and is dependent on the skill and experience of the doctor you choose.

9. Is it safe?

All procedure carries some risks or potential for complications, such as infection, excessive bleeding, poor wound healing or scarring. These risks can be minimised if you are in good general health, with no pre-existing medical conditions and you follow your doctor’s pre- and post-operative instructions. The Gro method is low risk, painless, leaves no scars and provides a permanent solution to hair loss.

Next Steps

If you suffer from hair loss, answer these 3 questions to discover the best treatment option for you or call us on 1300 787 563.

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Understanding Women’s Hair Loss Solutions
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