Can Hair Loss Treatment Reverse Balding?

Can Hair Loss Treatment Reverse Balding?

If you’re a man experiencing hair loss, chances are you’re being targeted with some pretty incredible before-and-after photos on social media. You know the ones we mean – the incredible comebacks from near-baldness to a full head of hair.


How real are these results? Is there a magic pill to turn a bald dome into a luscious head of hair?


The answer is: yes and no. There are two scientifically proven hair loss treatments on the market, both of which achieve genuine results. However, those results do have their limits.


What they don’t tell you is that oftentimes there’s also hair transplant procedure involved.


How hair loss treatment works


The two different hair loss treatments (which we can’t name here for legal reasons) each have a different mechanism.


Treatment 1: the anagen promoter


The first one – let’s call it anagen promoter – works by increasing blood flow to the scalp, which in turn helps increase hair density.


The increased blood flow thickens the hairs growing from scalp follicles and lengthens the anagen (growth) phase of the hair life cycle.


This treatment can be used either topically (applied to the scalp) or orally. It’s suitable for treating both male and female hair loss.


Treatment 2: 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor


One of the contributing causes to male pattern hair loss is a hormone called DHT (dihydrotestosterone). The enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts testosterone into DHT in the liver, prostate and testes.


The second treatment, which we’ll call 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, prevents and even reverses hair loss by reducing the amount of DHT coming to the scalp.


5-alpha reductase inhibitors are very effective. Clinical studies have demonstrated a 25% difference in hair count between men taking and not taking the treatment after two years.


This treatment can also be taken either topically or orally, however, topical treatment only prevents the production of DHT locally in the scalp. So, it’s most effective as an oral medication.


5-alpha reductase inhibitors are suitable for males only. The most effective treatment for the majority of males is a combination of the two.


Who hair loss treatment is for


These treatments are for androgenetic alopecia, also known as female or male pattern hair loss. It’s a genetic type of hair loss that progresses over time in common patterns, as shown in the Norwood Scale for men and the Ludwig classification scale for women.


The treatments are not effective for other types of hair loss.


So, what results can these treatments achieve?


Treating hair loss is more complicated than most hair loss companies would like to have you believe. The best treatment could look different based on your age, stage of hair loss and the goals you want to achieve.


Medical treatment is ideal for mild thinning, or to stop further hair loss from happening.


Treatment is more effective in some areas of the scalp than others.


Receding hairline


If you see a before-and-after that brought a receded hairline back, it’s probably not from medical hair loss treatment alone. Many people with advanced receding use a combination of medical treatment and hair transplant procedure to lower the hairline, improve hair density and prevent further loss.


Thinning crown


Medical hair loss treatment delivers the best results in the crown area. It helps thicken and strengthen the hairs, improving overall density and even restoring lost hair if the follicles haven’t yet been completely destroyed by DHT.


Overall thinning


If you’re experiencing overall thinning, medical treatment can help thicken up what you’ve got while stopping further loss.


Well then… is it too good to be true?


It’s true that nowadays, men suffering from androgenetic alopecia (also known as male pattern baldness) don’t have to lose their hair anymore.


However, when it comes to those incredible before-and-afters, at least some of them are likely to show a combination of medical treatment with a hair transplant.
You should be especially wary of photos that claim that medical treatment has brought a receded hairline back down.


If a business is claiming that hair has grown back thanks to a shampoo, that’s likely to be false as well. Shampoos and other hair products promote hair and scalp health, which is a component of keeping your hair happy, but they can’t reverse genetic balding.


Best results come when you start early.


Hair loss treatment has the best chance of delivering satisfying results if started at the very early stages of hair loss. It can still stop further hair loss and thicken up your hair later on, too, which can be relieving. 


However, if left to the late stages of balding, a hair transplant may be the only solution to bring back satisfying density and a youthful hairline.


If you’re keen to keep your hair, it’s best to get a move on. A good rule of thumb is if you’re thinking about it, it’s time to do something about it!


Remember, it also takes time to see results. To maintain the results, you have to keep taking the treatment regularly.


When you get your treatment through Gro Online Care, every cent you spend accumulates credit towards a hair transplant. It’s a win-win situation – you may not need a hair transplant at all, or if you do, it will be significantly smaller and cheaper.


You can get started with Gro Online Care today. All it takes is a 5-minute online consultation, which you can start right now, followed by a quick chat on the phone with one of our doctors.


Interested in a hair transplant? Start with your diagnosis by booking a consultation by clicking the button below. One of our team will get back to you and discuss your needs and expectation.  

Why not give us a call on 1300 787 563 to start your hair growth journey.

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