Symptoms & Signs of Hair Loss vs Shedding

Symptoms & Signs of Hair Loss vs Shedding

“Am I just losing some extra hair, or am I actually going bald?” This question can keep you awake at night and can cause stress and anxiety. Everyone hopes that their hair loss is caused by something other than genetics. For causes other than genetics, there is a good chance that the loss is temporary and in many cases, reversible. For the genetic cases, the most important point is to take action early. By addressing hair loss at an early stage, you can preserve what you have and you may never have to go bald.

So, what’s the difference between hair loss and shedding? We explain the symptoms and signs to look out for. If you suffer from hair loss, answer these 3 questions to discover the best treatment option for you.


Signs of Hair Shedding

It’s normal to lose around 50-100 hairs a day due to the normal hair growth cycle. Losing more than 150 hairs a day is considered hair shedding and should be investigated. Telogen Effluvium is a condition of excessive shedding caused by ‘stress’ to the hair follicles. This stress causes a higher number of follicles to go into the resting phase of the growth cycle. Potential causes are listed below.

Causes of Shedding:

  • Rapid or excessive weight loss
  • Stress or emotional shock
  • Poor or nutrient and protein deficient diet
  • Post pregnancy
  • Fever, illness or procedure
  • Changes in medications

The shedding typically appears 2-3 months following the time of the cause and therefore makes pinpointing the actual reason for shedding more difficult. The good news is that once the cause has past or been remedied, normal hair growth can resume. If you are unsure whether you are experiencing hair loss or shedding, the best action to take is to seek a hair loss diagnosis from a hair restoration expert.  They will be able to diagnose the loss and discuss next steps and treatment options with you.

Symptoms of Hair Loss

Loss of hair goes hand-in hand with ageing, but can start as early as puberty. Balding is referred to as “male pattern baldness” as it tends to follow a distinctive pattern, starting with receding hair at the temples, followed by thinning of the crown that works its way forward to lead to total loss of hair on top. Some people initially experience crownal thinning which can be less noticeable for the person who experiences it as it’s more visible from the back of the head.

Causes of Hair Loss:

By far the most common reason for loss of hair is genetics. The cause is related to a male hormone, which can start anytime from puberty, and it’s an inherited trait. Hair loss is a dominant gene in men, therefore if a father went bald, there is a minimum 50% chance of his son suffering loss or baldness, and if your mothers father lost his hair, a minimum 25% chance that his grandson would experience loss of hair. Smoking, stress, a poor diet, excessive gym work, hormonal imbalances and diseases or infections are also reasons for hair loss or even accelerating your baldness.

Eating right, reducing or giving up smoking, getting regular exercise are all going to assist in reducing loss of hair. If you can improve the temporary triggers, you may even be able to slow your loss without further treatment, or improve the effectiveness of any treatment you do choose to start.

Consulting a hair restoration expert for a correct diagnosis is imperative. It will save you wasting time and money on treatments that are not suited to your specific situation and gives you the chance to discuss the many treatment options available.


Consult a Gro Hair Growth Specialist

Gro offer the most advanced hair restoration treatments. We offer a range of treatments from preventative strategies, through to the Gro micro-transplant implantation technique. Procedures are performed by a highly-skilled Gro Doctor. You can contact a hair restoration specialist in any of our Gro clinics.


Ready to take the next step? We have Gro clinics all around Australia and New Zealand including:

    hair transplant before and after photo 12 months

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